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Let Them Eat Cake!

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 6:24 PM

i've always had an amazing sweet tooth. good for the eyes, but a bit hard on the thighs! while i was in the grocery store this morning, i spotted those delicious little burgers, umm i mean, cake. the best of both worlds wouldn't you say? just maybe.

summer is panning out to be a pretty lazy affair. after my girliciously busy weekend (read: lots of girly things to do), i've been on complete laze mode. i have yet to wake up early, put on my sneakers and walk to the park for my daily workout. actually, i haven't worked out in a few weeks. i was completely thrown off by the rush of the last week of school, traveling to see beloved, and a week-long training. i think i'm being so lazy to make up for all the busyness of the past few weeks, but it's time to snap out of it.

last summer, i threw on my workout shoes, stocked up on fruits and veggies, took a turn at Capoeria, and dropped 20lbs. i've managed to keep most of it off (give or take 2 or 3lbs), and was am looking forward to doing the same this summer. i've realized that obsessing over trying to lose weight during the school year just isn't my thing. but if i can knock a few lbs off each summer, then maintain, i'll be grrrrrreat!

leading up to my bday in may, i sort of got my workout mojo back. i signed up for podfitness, woke up at 5am, and walked with my virtural trainer, David. at that time i toyed around with the idea of walking a marathon in October. i've since scaled it down to the half marathon, but still...i'm doing it. i tried to enlist my mother, but she wasn't having it. she doesn't see the point in walking 26.2 miles. and truthfully, i don't either, other than the fact it would be a hell of an accomplishment. so i'm switching training programs (see-ya David), buying some new sneakers and a sista gon work it out.

the summer, or any bit of down time, begs to be used to plan out your next few moves. i have always been iffy on goal setting. i've always had grandeious ideas that somehow, either by hook or crook, have come to fruition, but i've never really sat down to plan. but it's about time. i have two months, two lovely, but short months, to make some changes in things in my life. i'm not about to overwhelm myself and self-sabotage before i can even get started, but i will start holding myself accountable. so here it is...three things (i told you i wasn't trying to over do it!) i plan on focusing on this summer...

1. write more often: i've been working on a story that i hope to expand into a novel since november. here's the kicker tho, when i say "working on it" i mean feverishly wrote 4 pages, then put it down for 4 months and picked it back up again. i have always sold myself VERY short as a writer, too uneasy with the title itself. in reality i have lots and lots of stories in my head, and if i just sit still long enough, they will come pouring out. i will pour daily!

2. move you body girl: i will find every opportunity to walk, stretch, lift this body. please believe my goal is not to turn into a gym rat, but i can improve upon my sexy, and i'll do it at least 3 times a week!

3. break outta procrastination hell: it's a sickness! i can't even begin to tell you how much money i've wasted on overdue bills, expired tickets, and things i just let lapse because i always put things off until tomorrow. i jokingly said i would try hypnosis to break out of procrastination hell, but i keep putting it off!

what are you working toward? what goals would you like to accomplish this week, month, or the balance of the year?

7 Response to 'Let Them Eat Cake!'

  1. Sista GP Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1214965260000#c3411243721358988262'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:21:00 PM

    Not in any particular order...
    1. set daily routine to get organized
    2. work on 'hope to be main hustle' daily
    3. get back into writing; hadn't done any serious writing in months
    4. finish unpacking to clear my dining room
    5. purchase sofa/chair using funds from item 2
    6. find hubby a local hustle


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1214967300000#c6319897036236616649'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:55:00 PM


    I have goals I swear I do. (sigh)

    How about this...I find you to be inspiring!


  3. Anonymous Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1215041820000#c4439867018265602231'> Wednesday, July 02, 2008 4:37:00 PM

    My husband happens to be a Podfitness trainer and if you sign up through him (you can still use any trainer) ... you get a 30-day free trial!

    Thought I'd share. Check it out at http://www.podfitness.com/jimryno


    Tanya Ryno


  4. christina Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1215052200000#c8591904197245594501'> Wednesday, July 02, 2008 7:30:00 PM

    My goals? To not, knock Fredo off! LOL Uhem... Godfather ref.

    I want to be more conscience in everyday life situations.

    Get lots of reading done.

    Pay some bills off.

    Step up the photography thing.



  5. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1215056340000#c1350242813252279433'> Wednesday, July 02, 2008 8:39:00 PM

    sista gp: sounds like a good list. have you written down steps to help you reach each one? i find that that was my biggest mistake when making goals.

    lovebabz: lol...that'll work too.

    Tanya: cool! i've already paid, but hopefully someone will try it out. it's great. what program does your hubby focus on?

    Xtina: i think you should move that photo thing to the top. that my help you solve the bills (stop playin! you dope with the Cannon). and leave Fredo alone, you know he don't mean no harm!


  6. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1215100560000#c2495340925278158234'> Thursday, July 03, 2008 8:56:00 AM

    I have a lot of goals I want to achieve...just to name a few:

    Reach my goal weight and keep it.

    Learn to let go and let God (handle it).

    Get a better paying job (who doesn't) :)

    By the way, I'm loving the blog :)


  7. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/07/let-them-eat-cake_01.html?showComment=1215132960000#c5214642040402795244'> Thursday, July 03, 2008 5:56:00 PM

    beautifully: thanks for stopping by, sis. i feel you on letting go, i know i could work on that one also!