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Easy Like....Monday Morning?

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 9:18 AM

and so it begins, the first FULL day of my summer vacation. i have waited for this day since school began in September (lol) and now it's here. i have NO Idea what we are going to do today. my weekend was pretty full of grown-woman activities to last for a minute. I went to a joint bridal shower for two of my sorors, and on sunday went to church and then brunch with friends. while we were leaving the restaurant, which was beautifully situated on the waterfront, i realized that i've never been to "brunch." sure i've eaten breakfast and/or lunch at that weird in between hour, but never formally went to a restaurant and had brunch. it was fun, and very grown-woman-like. i decided that we needed a regular girlfriends outing of some sort. i ran it past my friends and they agreed. hopefully our lives won't work us out of this idea, because we need it. it's so much fun keeping up, talking about life, and just having a good time. i need more of that. too much of my life is on pause. it's about time i start living for today, while planning for tomorrow. ya know?

so today, we have no plans. i'm halfway looking up info on potty training (ugh!) and homeschooling materials for preschoolers. the munchkin is pretty smart, but i'd like to keep him learning throughout the summer and not just watching Curious George all day (well...starting tomorrow! lol). anybody have any suggestions for books? i'm open.

speaking of books, i just finished Terry McMillan's The Interruption of Everything. that book was GREAT! i've never read a Terry McMillan book (i know, i know), so this was a welcomed surprise. the book was right on time too. it basically dealt with a woman whose life needed to be shaken up, and she's forced to follow what she WANTS to do. i can dig it. i've been writing more and thinking about writing. i've been working on a little side project (hopefully released soon), so i'm at that place where i'm taking baby steps. hopefully i can i will capitalize on my free time this summer to accomplish the things i want and work toward my goals.

so what's on deck for your week? how was your weekend? and what kind of goals do you want to accomplish in the near future?

5 Response to 'Easy Like....Monday Morning?'

  1. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/06/easy-likemonday-morning.html?showComment=1214911800000#c2629234132501641512'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 4:30:00 AM


    I love the weekends! I am finding as I get older I love summer all the more. I was truly a Fall woman...leaves turning, crispness in the air. But this Summer I am all in!

    Oh potty training...Oh I remember--I had 2 my son and daughter. My daugther was quick my son...aaargh! I would say stay consistent and committed once you start you can't go back!

    As far as reading...read him anything, it doesn't necessarily have to be kid books, read to him from you favorite magazine, or newspaper. For TV time put the hearing impaired captions on---you know where the words come up on screen, so as he is watching TV he will see the words and you can read along out loud.

    I used to put index cards with words of things around...like chair, door, floor. I would do it in colors too. Just a few here and there.


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/06/easy-likemonday-morning.html?showComment=1214927220000#c1756525004458907240'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 8:47:00 AM

    woman u know i love me some commodors - Zoom


  3. Sista GP Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/06/easy-likemonday-morning.html?showComment=1214947260000#c3417338292099447104'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 2:21:00 PM

    Potty training: for my son #2 was easy. He never liked it in his diaper. So after every meal, we would have him go sit. But for #1...how should I put this...we still have issues.

    Pre-school materials: I started him on the Leapfrog video set. It starts with Letter Factory, Talking Words Factory (Parts I and II), and Math Circus. Once he could sound words, any reading material he could get his hands on was fine by him, even Real Estate listing books.
    He started preschool a few months before he turned three and his school was impressed by his knowledge. He was ahead of others his age.
    Have fun!


  4. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/06/easy-likemonday-morning.html?showComment=1214947800000#c4183485860313101984'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 2:30:00 PM

    lovebabz: the index cards is a good idea, but i admit, i'm sort of lazy. he just walks around asking, "what's that!" all the time, so isn't it sort of the same thing? lol

    torrance: of course you do!

    sista gp: girl, my main issue is that he doesn't SAY anything about having to go (1 or 2). i basically have to chase him down and catch him. it's been 2 days, and so far no luck...lol. i know i'm not as forceful about it as perhaps i should be, but everything i read says don't force it, but my mother (ugh!) keeps telling me, "chile, that boy gonna be 5 in diapers if you don't hurry up!" *rolls eyes* we will keep trying (maybe lol)


  5. christina Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/06/easy-likemonday-morning.html?showComment=1214949240000#c7582896386227207121'> Tuesday, July 01, 2008 2:54:00 PM

    Potty training boys is a nightmare! LOL They just don't care like girls do. Boys can have flies following them and it won't bother them. I tried with my son- nothing. When I got the book "how to potty train in one day" I was leery but it worked. It was more like 3 days but it worked! LOL

    Loved that you had some "grown woman" time. We really do need that.