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I am a mommy, scribe, and middle-school English teacher. I am trying to cope with being separated from my beloved. DoUWantMore? email me: theprisonerswife@gmail.com

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let it shine

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 6:28 PM

just when i was running out of steam, wondering if it's worth it to come to this blog and write about nothing, about random things, about the struggle that is my life, i checked my TPW email and i was greeted with THE most beautiful email from a reader. this is why the old folks say, God works in mysterious ways. i received an email from a woman (hello, sis) whose nephew is locked up. apparently she has been reading this blog for a while and was afraid to write me, and i assume comment, because she is not "in love" with someone who is incarcerated, so she continued reading silently. thankfully, she pushed past her trepidation and sent me an email.

in this email i found...inspiration, validation, and love. i found someone who spoke to the critic inside me who constantly wonders if this blog/my words matters to anyone besides me. i literally starting to get all teary-eyed as i read it, because it was just BEYOND my comprehension that anyone, anywhere would find strength, comfort, or anything profound out of my thoughts. it made me think...made me wonder...how many people are searching for someone to spark a bit of love, some calm, ignite them with passion, grant them solace...and never find that because we are too afraid to share ourselves?

I absolutely love Mos Def, and this song, "Umi Says" is one of my all time favorites. I love the simplicity of his prose, wanting to live a good life, wishing freedom to the oppressed, begging us to share our light, ourselves with the world. no one can contribute what we can. this reader's email was a testament to the power of sharing a piece of yourself...you will get it back a million times over.


2 Response to 'let it shine'

  1. CapCity Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/07/let-it-shine.html?showComment=1184769420000#c9205260139167904055'> Wednesday, July 18, 2007 7:37:00 AM

    thanx, Sis! I needed this:-)...yea, sometimes "it" don't make sense...but The Creator wakes me/us another day and that signals to me/us that He ain't thru w/ me/us, yet.



  2. Unknown Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/07/let-it-shine.html?showComment=1185232980000#c504137847279750447'> Monday, July 23, 2007 4:23:00 PM

    Glad to hear that the steam is returning to your pipes, lady. Keep your head up, and know that you have people praying for you all over the country.