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In Need Of A Boost

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 12:33 PM

ok, so i have been incredibly lazy lately. blame it on the weather, the fact that i've been off since June, or whatever else the case may be, but day after day i find myself bored, sitting in front of the computer or tv or watching my son play in the park.

don't get me wrong, i LOVE the fact that i'm off for the summer. i wouldn't trade that for ANYTHING (well, except maybe a free house or a million bucks lol). i enjoy not having to get up early, fight traffic, and rush to work just to complain how much i need a vacation. so i'm cool with being off, but i wish i just had something exciting to do. i know, i know...you are probably thinking i should take my son to the zoo or museums, right? i've thought about it, but have yet to take him there. for one, he is young enough that he doesn't really care, and two, i'd rather not go alone. being that beloved is away & my friends with kids are back in NY, i just don't feel like going everywhere alone. it's hard. not only is he the only one i can talk to, i have to pack EVERYTHING under the sun so i can cover the "just in cases" that always come up. i have to entertain him, cater to him, and not really get that in return. it's not his fault..the munchkin is nearing 2, so his world revolves around him, but mommy needs some conversation, someone to talk to as well. and then there are the families...

every time i take my son out i always see lots of families. mothers AND fathers, and part of me is so jealous. i want that to be our family. beloved, the munchkin and i...just hanging out and exploring things together. one day, right? i just wish that day wasn't so far from now.


lately i have been spending my time focusing on eating better & fitting in some workouts (walking or dvds). so far my efforts are paying off. i've dropped 12lbs since July 6, so i'm happy about that. i guess i am being sort of productive, right?

today i order a few books (classroom management & teaching creative writing) and a pedometer on Amazon.com. now that it's approaching August, i have to get back into the swing of things and start planning for the fall & my new crop of students. i am a bit nervous about returning to work. last year was SO difficult, this year can only be better, but i'm still nervous. ahhh, i guess that feeling will wear off once i'm a vet, right?

2 Response to 'In Need Of A Boost'

  1. CapCity Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/07/in-need-of-boost.html?showComment=1186289760000#c6811097950436472153'> Saturday, August 04, 2007 9:56:00 PM

    WOW! u lost 12 pounds since July 6th? I'm inspired! it's ok to go thru a slump - u're human:-). Just don't allow yrself to stay down there too long! yea, i'm getting back into the teaching game myself. Have done this for 16 years & I get the back to school butterflies just like when i was a kid EVERY Fall:-).

    remember - the grass always LOOKS greener - i'd be in that same park looking at U wishing I had a sweet baby to call my own...SIGH...one day we'll both have all our dreams God willing!
    Hugz to ya, Sis!


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/07/in-need-of-boost.html?showComment=1186778460000#c5042695626489828694'> Friday, August 10, 2007 1:41:00 PM

    Yes, the first year was my toughest. It became better with time because it took less preparation. Also, I learned a great deal from the mistakes I made. So, I'm predicting a better year for you this year. You'll actually be able to enjoy them after a while. :) God bless you and take care. Peace~