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They Did It!

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 7:32 PM

they really did it! i've FINALLY been polled.

i'm always skeptical when i read/hear about poll results, because i, nor anyone else i know, have ever been a part of an election poll. so how accurate could they possibly be?

tonight i got an automated call from KABC news asking me where i stood on the upcoming elections. of course they asked the main question, who am i choosing for president (no brainer), but then the poll continued to ask about where i stood on enclosures for farm animals (huh?), abortion for minors (hmmm), and the gay marriage amendment (see: California's Propositions). after hearing the list of questions, i realized that i really don't know how i'm voting in November.

sure the presidential elections are of the UTMOST importance, but we can't/shouldn't overlook the importance of our local elections. ever since i turned 18, i have voted...and guessed at the lower enclosed elections. seemingly minor ballot initiatives pop up on every election and then find a way to become MAJOR issues. i'm always at a loss when asked to choose a DA or a Judge or a farm enclosure.

over the past 8 years, the importance of each initiative has become completely apparently, and this year, i will go to the polls informed on ALL of the issues, not just the ones you hear about on TV.

what is the oddest ballot initiatives in your state?

5 Response to 'They Did It!'

  1. Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:59:00 PM

    Local elections are CRITICAL! You have heard me rant about this time and time again. Yes the presidential race is sexy. But decisons about your everyday life will be made on the local level.

    I used to work for a nationally known polling company. it is fascinating stuff.


  2. Tuesday, September 23, 2008 8:20:00 PM

    they are very critical. i think so much happens TO our communities because we are not informed. and it's sad...


  3. Friday, September 26, 2008 7:32:00 AM

    too many to name folk
    but ga dont have them like cali


  4. Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:34:00 PM

    Hi PW,

    I just wanted you to know I tagged you with an "I love Your Blog Award" on My American Meltingpot. Come check it out and then you must spread the love to Blogs you love. Sadly the graphic didn't show up on my blog but come see for yourself at www.myamericanmeltingpot.com

    Peace and keep doing what you're doing!


  5. Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:23:00 PM

    Torrance, gimme ONE odd one...i need a laugh lol.

    LT: thanks! i will stop by.