anniversary haikus
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
we love hard enough
but sometimes it hurts like this
when you are away
two years hitched at hip
trying to make sense of this
thing called loyalty
a peculiar thing
to go at it alone but
still we rise above
saturday made two years and we had the opportunity to share our day live and in color (!). despite the cold (freezing, freezing cold) our hearts, and spirits, and resolve were warmed tremendously. black love is still alive and kickin, even when stretched between two coasts.
we bringing sexyback
Saturday, February 02, 2008

beloved and i are currently reading Mable Iam's book, Sex and the Perfect Lover. i know what you're thinking. why are we reading a book about sex, seeing as we are separated by 3212 miles? well, it's simple really. this book not only discusses ways to improve your sex life, but it also deals with connecting with your partner, so that you can share a deep, fulfilling love.
beloved and i have been on a rocky road for a few months now. we osculate between GREAT days and GREAT arguments. we have been in sort of an uneven place, not really connecting fully, but not willing to call it all off. so here we are, reading this book, and it has been good for us.
since beginning the book, we've had so much to talk about. we have so much more to say than just what our day consisted of, or what the baby did. we actually have grown folks stuff to discuss. after we finish this book, we will probably be reading her follow-up, I Love You, Now What? and hopefully, that will give us even further insight into this mystical, magical thing we call love.
have you read this book? what are your favorite love/relationship books?