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A Little Link Love - 8.14.09

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 1:15 AM

"Fabric of my heart".
Originally uploaded by SharkeyinColo

It’s Follow Friday on Twitter again, and even though the day is young, I already know I’m most likely not going to participate (yes, I’m still lazy). But, I still like to show love, so here are some interesting posts that I came across this week. Hopefully they’ll be as useful and interesting to you as they were to me.

Drums, please!

1) Four Hour Work Week Blog—Tim Ferriss, the author of the bestseller, The Four Hour Work Week, had a great post (with accompanying video presentation) about how to drive traffic to your blog. This week I’ve really been thinking about my site and how I can make it better. With the help of tech maven Adria Richards, I’m getting ready to move this blog to a dot com (exciting, no?), in the hopes that I’ll have more control over its appearance and also increase my readership. Although I’m not trying to make money off of this blog (through advertisements), I am trying to work on my writing in the hopes that I can parlay this experience into more writing opportunities, namely a book. So if you’re serious about your blog and taking it to the next level, you want read Tim’s post: “How to Build a High-Traffic Blog Without Killing Yourself”

2) GG Spirit Writes—This week GG sent me a tweet asking me to read her post, “Fun is Not Fun When You Spell It,” because I’m an educator. She hoped I’d have some advice to give regarding some issues her son was having in school. You see, last school year her son’s eyes were opened to the grimier side of 3rd grade. You know, the one in which kids drop the f-bomb and F-U-N stands for F**K – U- N**gas. Not cool. GG has a great relationship with her son and encourages him by giving him books highlighting positive aspects of black culture, but she asks is that enough? Share your advice with her.

3) But You’re A Girl—I met technology diva Adria Richards at this year’s BlogHer conference, and every since we hung out in Lucky Strike lane # 7, she’s been my go-to girl for all things tech. Not only is she helping me move from Blogger to a Wordpress powered dot com, she also helps people to get in touch with their inner techie through offering online trainings. In her post, “Latest Ain’t Always The Greatest,” Adria talks about the usefulness of old technology. In a world where we’re always looking for the next big thing, sometimes it’s better to just stick with what you got.

4) Press Rewind If I Haven’t—Lately I’ve had a love/hate relationship with hip hop. Between Wayne’s atrocity “Whip It Like A Slave” and the garbage that passes for music these days, I stay listening to my ipod. That way I can slip comfortably into the headnod of my favorite artists (Mos Def, Nas, Tribe, De La, Badu, etc). Press Rewind houses archived articles from The Source and lets me get my reminisce on in the privacy of my own home. Recently they posted a Sure Shot from 1994 that feature Nas. Oh how I love Nasir Jones. Every Saturday night I’d listen for his voice on the “Wake Up Show” anthem, and I listened to “Illmatic” so much over the course of 94-95, I popped two tapes. Seeing this article from ’94 takes me back to when music was GOOD and I was discovering my voice.

5) Color Online—Color Online is a blog dedicated to spreading the word about authors of color. This week I had the pleasure of writing a review of Carleen Brice’s new novel, Children of the Waters, for the website. This book was a wonderful read and I encourage you to visit Color Online to check out the review and pick up the book (and not just because I wrote it either!).

Have a link in need of some love? Share it in the comments section!

3 Response to 'A Little Link Love - 8.14.09'

  1. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/08/little-link-love-81409.html?showComment=1250263561166#c4316890616884097885'> Friday, August 14, 2009 8:26:00 AM

    Thinking good thoughts of you and the Beloved (Sr & Jr.)



  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/08/little-link-love-81409.html?showComment=1250273534994#c3682117834268310384'> Friday, August 14, 2009 11:12:00 AM

    Great post. I'm actually checking out this links right now. Thanks for the suggestions.


  3. Anonymous Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/08/little-link-love-81409.html?showComment=1250307757001#c8703458261400052744'> Friday, August 14, 2009 8:42:00 PM

    Kick ass link love! Brilliant!