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I am a mommy, scribe, and middle-school English teacher. I am trying to cope with being separated from my beloved. DoUWantMore? email me: theprisonerswife@gmail.com

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#29, A Reflection

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 6:12 PM

Last week, Saturday made himself welcome in my bedroom. Blood orange suit clinging to the corners of my eyes. I rose, energized and welcomed the sun to my private party. Born day # 29 began slow-like you always want Saturday to be.

Savored it. Went for a walk, just because there’s no better way to kick off a birthday than to get the blood pumping. When I got home, my little son sang his birthday wishes.

“Happy birthday to mommeeeeee, happy birthday to yooooooou, happy birthday to mommeeeee! Now, let’s eat cake!”

He was so pleased with himself. He’d been practicing the song for weeks, usually singing it to himself in preparation for his birthday, 6 months away. His infectious smile made me laugh, and he gave me my present: lots and lots of juicy birthday kisses.

I didn’t have any special plans for my birthday. Choosing, instead, to celebrate it with my family enjoying the breezy, bright Saturday afternoon. We had lunch, strolled around the Grove looking in store windows, watched the koi swim in the pond, and tried to keep my little one from going in after them. Relaxing.

Birthdays demand reflection. I spent Saturday, and the ensuing long Memorial day weekend, being thankful for all that I have been blessed with. Yes, my life isn’t perfect. My beloved is locked up and will be gone for 9 more summers and I might be unemployed by the end of June, but I have my health, my life, and my beautiful son who is somehow able to put a smile on my face even when I’m in the midst of the deepest funks.

Lincoln once wrote, “In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.” I’m trying to live every single day to its fullest and appreciate all that I’ve been blessed with because for some, their years have run out.

Tomorrow, I will attend a funeral for a woman I’ve known for over 10 years. She’s been a mentor to me, especially during my teaching years. For over 40 years she dedicated her life to educating little brown girls and boys before it was cut short Monday night. When someone so loving, supporting, and down right fun passes unexpectedly, it forces me to be thankful. I am more thankful for everything, especially every woman in my life that has molded me into the mommy, teacher and woman I am today.

4 Response to '#29, A Reflection'

  1. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/05/29-reflection.html?showComment=1243688763221#c1571848175059093939'> Saturday, May 30, 2009 6:06:00 AM

    Happy Birthday!

    You are one of the finest women I know in the blog universe. You are so grounded and courageous. Your heart is big and you have a trued artist's soul.

    You inspire me...truly.


  2. SE'LAH... Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/05/29-reflection.html?showComment=1243729547740#c7087829930586138905'> Saturday, May 30, 2009 5:25:00 PM

    Happy Birthday!

    My thoughts go out to you for the loss of your mentor. May the moments you shared bring you some solace. Prayers sent up.

    One Love.


  3. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/05/29-reflection.html?showComment=1243819404083#c2515269877552126058'> Sunday, May 31, 2009 6:23:00 PM

    @ Babz: wow! thank you so much. you continue to inspire/amaze me. i'm just tryna keep up, sis.

    @ Se'lah: thanks for the bday wishes & the prayers for my mentor. it's very much appreciated.


  4. CiCiWryter Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2009/05/29-reflection.html?showComment=1244401350760#c4299303113400933057'> Sunday, June 07, 2009 12:02:00 PM

    Happy Belated birthday! I agree with Lovebabz, your voice is amazing and even when you are writing about painful, frightening subjects, your voice seems full of hope underneath all the uncertainty. Looking forward to reading what you have to say as you enjoy your summer and take the economic journey like we all have to do, one day at a time.