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I am a mommy, scribe, and middle-school English teacher. I am trying to cope with being separated from my beloved. DoUWantMore? email me: theprisonerswife@gmail.com

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In A Groove

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 4:47 PM

i have been "away" for the past few weeks. away from this blog & others' blogs that i adore. it's not because i've REALLY been away, but i've been in some sort of a lackluster groove.

i can feel it...this blog, writing, me writing, tugs at me. all the things i should be making time for, like myself, have been trying to get my attention, but i've been ignoring them. i know that i'm tired. my students this year are challenging, to say the least. when i get home, i'm so tired & do nothing but feed my son, read him a story, get him to bed (and maybe a bath), watch Cosby reruns and go to sleep myself. my body feels neglected. i haven't worked out in SO long & it shows. i am sluggish, i am craving more sugar (pepsi!), and i need desperately to do something else.

sure, i can wait until the new year and risk falling deeper into this slump, but i've decided to fight. fight my will to veg out and not take care of myself. this week i will work out, at least 3 times. i will not fall asleep at 8, just because. i might even pick up a book, unrelated to work, and *gasp* read.

i've been invited to attend a book club this Saturday. i'm semi-excited because i'm sort of a nerd and like to talk to GROWN FOLKS about books sometime. who knows, perhaps this endeavor will propel me on to things that i have been neglecting, like writing.

everyday i think that i should be writing. everytime i flip open a magazine, or read a book, i think...i should be doing THIS. yes, teaching is noble, teaching is necessary, but writing, for me, is my ideal life. but how can i claim that if i'm not working toward it? how can i claim to be a writer if i am not writing?

5 Response to 'In A Groove'

  1. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/11/in-groove.html?showComment=1228138500000#c8311956915433620445'> Monday, December 01, 2008 5:35:00 AM

    Well then write. You do not think about brushing your teeth...you just do.

    You do not htink about bathing Belvoced, Jr. ...you just do.

    Write. Just write.
    (not only am I talking to you, I am talking to me too!) *smile*


  2. christina Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/11/in-groove.html?showComment=1228277400000#c3470384350107041489'> Tuesday, December 02, 2008 8:10:00 PM

    I feel what you are saying. The shorter days are already starting to get to me. It was dark at 4pm today and I started to feel tired.

    I think I will fight back too! I will read tonight, for fun and not fall asleep. lol I give that about 20 minutes.


  3. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/11/in-groove.html?showComment=1228314720000#c940698734221734485'> Wednesday, December 03, 2008 6:32:00 AM

    im with babz, and keep on feeding your lil man and reading to him all will work itself out folk


  4. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/11/in-groove.html?showComment=1228407000000#c7142058919045803747'> Thursday, December 04, 2008 8:10:00 AM

    My sister. You are truly my sister. I've felt like that many times. I've been warn out from a long day with my students. I can relate to everything you said. I had to take lessons from my own voice that told students, "if you can't think of anything to write, just write about not having anything to write about." :)


  5. Sista GP Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/11/in-groove.html?showComment=1228415880000#c7991676623631516366'> Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:38:00 AM

    I feel ya. For weeks now, I have been trying to develop a schedule to start back writing and get more reading in.
    I've been feeling exhausted by the time the kids get to bed. I will starting back exercising tomorrow, that should help.

    Please stop by, there's something for all you do. (Part 2)