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how the TPW got her groove back

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 8:16 AM
as i mentioned in the last post, i've been experiencing a bad case of the blahs. i haven't been in a funk, really, but i have just been feeling out of sorts and disconnected from everything and everyone. but all that is starting to change. my birthday is tomorrow & perhaps its coming has given me a new burst of energy. i've never really made a huge deal out of my birthday. i can't even remember ever having a birthday party, and that's alright with me...but approaching 30 (ok, 28) has sorta lit another fire, or at least a spark, in me.

a few things have been pulling me out of the funk.

1. Podfitness: i've been waking up a bit after 5am to workout & it's been great. it's given me the energy BURST i need not to dread going to work. i've felt more purposeful & not so lethargic in the mornings.

2. Homemade Smoothies: i've never been huge on breakfast, but getting/eating healthier means i HAVE to eat breakfast. my smoothie concoctations have been a wonderful (and tasty!) addition to my morning routine.

3. My 'Fro: ok folks, i'm bout to sound a little self-absorbed, but my afro is fuckin FABULOUS! it's huge! my friend cornrowed the front Tuesday night & it looks so regal. i think i've found a new summer style! my hair has always been a bit of a challenge, especially since i went natural. it's SUPER thick, and has so many textures, but i'm finanally getting into a good hair groove & it's wonderful.

4. My Kid is COMEDY!: so my son has quickly made the chage from a silent kid, to a little chatter box. he cracks me up SO much & i'm so happy he's finally letting the words flow.

5. 3-Day Weekend: I am SO looking forward to this weekend. Although I didn't make it out to see beloved, i do plan on enjoying myself. tomorrow night (my bday) i'm going to see Raheem DeVaughn perform & have dinner with some friends. Saturday I am planning to get a mani & pedi and perhaps do dinner with the fam. Sunday is church and______________? and Monday, i will just enjoy relaxing.

so what's up with you guys? i feel as though we haven't connected in SO long. let me know what's going on, what y'all chattin' bout on your blogs, plans for the long weekend.


5 Response to 'how the TPW got her groove back'

  1. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-tpw-got-her-groove-back.html?showComment=1211491680000#c230128375390268116'> Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:28:00 PM

    I am firing up my grill! I love my grill--propane of course! I am making drinks...cocktails a lovebabztini! Ok I have no idea what that will be, bit it will be funky!

    You will have to let me know how the concert is. That artist will be here a week or so. No, I am not going to it. But I like his music!

    The baby speaks! OK, he will never stop talking until he hits the moody tweenies!

    I am so happy that you are back in the saddle. And kudos to you for adopting some healthy eating strategies.

    I will be back by for your birthday! Oh Happy Happy!


  2. christina Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-tpw-got-her-groove-back.html?showComment=1211492100000#c1953944257667973622'> Thursday, May 22, 2008 2:35:00 PM

    Uhem... get your txt fixed and send a sista a message!! :(

    You having a blog party for tomorrow right? What was tomorrow again?? LOL


  3. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-tpw-got-her-groove-back.html?showComment=1211513520000#c8263550600659491932'> Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:32:00 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-tpw-got-her-groove-back.html?showComment=1211513580000#c3863150776629490841'> Thursday, May 22, 2008 8:33:00 PM

    Love a nice 'Fro on a lady. My wife has one now. It's tight! I like that. I call her my South African Cleopatra Jones. :)

    How have you been? It's been some time. I hope all is well. Peace~


  5. T.a.c.D Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-tpw-got-her-groove-back.html?showComment=1211983140000#c4364027859142822659'> Wednesday, May 28, 2008 6:59:00 AM

    totally excited that you are back in your groove...now if i can only get into a groove myself then i would be aiighty tighty...LOL