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Home, Cooking, and Monday

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 5:52 PM
baked macaroni
ambled through the living room
making us hungry

you rang, bringing sun
and sadness with a taut smile
wishing you could share

everything with us
is somehow lacking in ways
hard to explain over

again I want you
to meet me places you can’t
imagine exists

somewhere beyond this
time parceled out in tidbits
love sustains us all


so, we are home and back into the routine of our everyday life. yesterday was Easter and like a mad woman, I decided to take over the cooking duties. you see, usually my mother and/or grandmother slaves over the hot stove, but I decided to give them a break. thanks to my sista*friend/super-chef-on-call, i pulled it off (and it was good). i whipped up fried chicken (which was a bad idea because it was about 90 degres yesterday!), potato salad, baked macaroni, and mixed veggies. needless to say, everybody enjoyed my cooking which made me feel all grown up! (even my grandma wanted the recipe! LOL). so my ego got a bit of a boost, even as my press was sweated OUT.

although i wasn't ready to go back to work today, i told myself that i would think positive. instead of dreading the morning, i said that today would be a GREAT day, and it was, had it not been for the headache. but it's over now (thank the LAWD!) and tomorrow is a short day for the kids (handclap). i think i'm still experiencing a bit of time-zone confusion because i'm pretty tired and it's only 6.

i find myself wanting to write poems again, which is a good sign. i haven't been writing as much as i should. so many times i feel like i'm squandering the opportunities i've been presented with. i watch others put their dreams together and turn them into reality, and then i secretly wish to do the same, but just...don't...quite...do...it.

what's the holdup? what am i really afraid of?

i guess, i'm the only one that can answer that. and it needs to happen. soon.

5 Response to 'Home, Cooking, and Monday'

  1. christina Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-cooking-and-monday.html?showComment=1206418980000#c196111226956640115'> Monday, March 24, 2008 9:23:00 PM

    Come calling me on Easter morning talking about "hurry up with the recipe I gotta get to the store" LOL!!! :)

    Now you can add seasoned cook to your list of talents:)

    Love u to pieces sis:)


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-cooking-and-monday.html?showComment=1206450900000#c2509960826545591252'> Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:15:00 AM

    YUMMY! And where in the world are you where it is 90 degrees! I am in CT and it is still about 35-40 degrees. The dinner looked amazing! Congrats for stepping into the Grown Woman space!

    Find time to write your poetry...you have a divine talent!


  3. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-cooking-and-monday.html?showComment=1206476040000#c2161191872700011702'> Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:14:00 PM

    Xtina: hush, you know you was happy i asked! lol.

    LoveBabz: girl, i'm out here in So. Cal. it was BLAZING on Sunday & Monday. it's calmed down a bit, but still a lot warmer than the east coast. and i will write...thank you for the words!


  4. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-cooking-and-monday.html?showComment=1206476400000#c680292998300521979'> Tuesday, March 25, 2008 1:20:00 PM

    That food looks Deeeeelicious!!! Yum! As for writing poetry, get on it while the feelings good. Peace~


  5. Anonymous Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2008/03/home-cooking-and-monday.html?showComment=1206570540000#c3057691095626332184'> Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:29:00 PM

    Glad to see you made the trip and got back home safe. Being so busy right after probably helped chase the blues too!

    I am fasting so those pictures were completely off!
