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I am a mommy, scribe, and middle-school English teacher. I am trying to cope with being separated from my beloved. DoUWantMore? email me: theprisonerswife@gmail.com

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something old, something new

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 2:41 PM
the weekends fly by so fast these days. teaching is a job that doesn't allow much "me" time. i feel as though i'm constantly doing something, and when i'm not, i'm recovering.

if anyone is still reading this...you probably remember what this blog USED to look like. it was cute (like me..ha!). but now it's ordinary, sort of like the words that sit on this page. no spark, no heart. just flat and waiting.

i want to freshen up this space. i want to do lots of things, but i'm afraid they may get burried by life. we are 20 days deep into the new year, and i have yet to make any resolutions. not that that in it self MEANS anything, but at least i'd have a goal. so here it is....my goals for this year...

1. be a better mommy
2. be a better wifey
3. get healthy
4. take control of my money
5. be happy & LIVE life without holding back

so much of my life feels as though its on pause. i want to get my credit & money straight because i want to buy a house. but the other part of me feels...guilty/sad...that i won't be able to inhabit that house with beloved, at least not for a while. i want to do great things in life, but i oft times feel like i should wait to do them with him. it's a constant battle, but i can't put our lives on hold because we're not all together. i'm seriously considering moving back to NY cuz i miss my man...deeply. being able to see him so much over the break just hammered home the necesity for us to be together. and for him to have a relationship and SEE our son grow up--not just through pictures and visits every few months, but to see the changes the munchkin goes through each week--is so valuable...i don't want either one of them to miss out on that experience.

decisions, decisions. whatever i decide i pray i'm making the right choice for all of us. especially me.

5 Response to 'something old, something new'

  1. A Girl Again Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/01/something-old-something-new.html?showComment=1169426460000#c7060371379892590632'> Sunday, January 21, 2007 4:41:00 PM

    if you listen you will hear it. and when you do, don't disregard it.


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/01/something-old-something-new.html?showComment=1169482320000#c7136775954379506226'> Monday, January 22, 2007 8:12:00 AM

    Thanks for visiting my site. I'll definitely have to return.


  3. unsaid Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/01/something-old-something-new.html?showComment=1170766620000#c6531704995723913229'> Tuesday, February 06, 2007 4:57:00 AM

    oooh i love what being mama daily had to say. i was thinking the same thing. you'll know. be blessed.


  4. Anonymous Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/01/something-old-something-new.html?showComment=1170786240000#c705800365404644703'> Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:24:00 AM

    How long will your DH be incarcerated ? So very sorry that this has happened to your family. I hope he has the strength to survive and return a strong character for you and your son.
    You are admirable. Keep strong.


  5. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2007/01/something-old-something-new.html?showComment=1171246620000#c3513943182141936564'> Sunday, February 11, 2007 6:17:00 PM

    thank you J...where have YOU been?

    anonymous: he will be gone for at least 10 summers. we are appealing of course, so hopefully less.