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the block is hot

Posted by the prisoner's wife On 3:54 PM
the block is hot

as i'm writing this is it 3:51pm. i'm sitting here bored at work, avoiding whatever it is i'm supposed to be doing right now. it should not be this hot right now. not at almost 4pm. last night, around 11pm i flipped on the weather channel and it said it was currently 91 degrees & the air was thick with 95% humidity. are you kidding me? when i left new york i thought i'd left the humidity behind, but here it is...stalking me.

my son has it the worst. for the past two nights he's been stripped down to his huggies. at first i was worried, like...maybe he would get cold in the middle of the night, but then i realized, there is no air. there is no breeze. the air is stale and hot and oppressive. and he sweats more than i do. so he's been going sans clothes when we're at home. poor chile. i made a pallet for him on the floor yesterday afternoon and he slept there, directly under the fan, in front of the open sliding glass door, and he still managed to sweat so much he left a puddle on the comforter. what's a mom to do?

two hours from now i'll be leaving work and will be thrust into the afternoon annoyance of traffic. this morning i tried to decide whether to burn up my over-priced gas by using the AC, or suffer, be cheap, sweat it out and roll down my windows. even though it pains me to spend $30 on gas and not even get totally FULL (and i drive a corolla!), i decided to splurge and treat myself to some AC. at least (i reasoned) i wouldn't be totally aggravated on the drive to work.

all of this heat has me REALLY wondering about global warming. how big of an impact does all of our pollution really have on our environment? are we killing ourselves? lots of people dismiss global warming as a tree-hugging cause, but there just might be something to this. pollution is everywhere. i don't want to take my son to the beach cuz who knows what's floating in there. and if you have asthma....forgetaboutit.

at lunch my co-workers and i joked about how everyone, all conspiracy theorist that is, are claiming this is the end of the world. the weather is crazy, the middle-east is in chaos, and the amount of consumption seems to be moving into overdrive. i'm not ready to say this is the end just yet, but best believe i'll be praying for some cooler temps and lower gas prices.

i never thought i'd say this, but i'm SO over summer!

2 Response to 'the block is hot'

  1. Xave Said,
    https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2006/07/block-is-hot.html?showComment=1153789560000#c115378959286782181'> Monday, July 24, 2006 6:06:00 PM

    I have good news for you! Go on and use the AC. The amout of gas you save with it off is not very significant. And the only time you would save a little is when you need it most: stop-n-go traffic. Treat yourself good and stop feeling guilty. :-)

    Peace n Love,


  2. https://theprisonerswife.blogspot.com/2006/07/block-is-hot.html?showComment=1153802340000#c115380239348116317'> Monday, July 24, 2006 9:39:00 PM

    thanks for the tip Xavier. i dunno, it just seems like it runs out so fast, but i think i will just suck up the extra cost. sweating up a storm before you get to work aint cute lol.